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Assesment, cataloguing and reporting on a huge variety of metallic small finds of all periods (Chalcolithic/Bronze Age to modern) for both commerical and private clients. Competitive rates with quick turnaround.

Highly experienced in small find identification (c.17,000 objects/coins) and report writing, including numerous reports for HM Coroner on Treasure Act 1996 finds

Contact for further details

click for catalogue and report examples

"Metal artefacts are able to provide a chronologically robust and distinct dataset; the personal nature of many metal artefacts has the potential to tell us more about the lives and activities of those who lived and worked in the landscape,adding flesh to the ceramic bones of traditional field survey techniques.Through not using this technique as a matter of course we are intentionally excluding an important and informative dataset from our research". Anni Byard - Landscape Archaeology Conference, Rome 2014.


Metal detecting field survey using trusted detectorists

An important and often overlooked (or misunderstood) field survey technique, metal detecting survey overseen by a MCIfA using trusted and experienced detectorists can illuminate and identify an array of history that is so often just scrapped off with a digger. I have conducted surveys for post-graduate researchers, local history groups and commercial archaeological units using trusted detectorists I have known for many years.

Talks, community archaeology, outreach and training

I frequently give talks to local history groups, U3As and WIs on a variety of topics  ('Treasures from Oxfordshire' , 'What have they ever done for us? Metal detecting and archaeology', 'Ploughzone archaeology' etc.). I also conduct study days in 'Introduction to 'finds' in archaeology' and 'Metalwork in archaeology' for undergraduates, continuing education students and local history groups, as well as offering advice and training on excavation and recording.


Excavation of the Rollright burial


Above: On-the-spot identification and recording of metal detecting finds. Left: ID and recording in high demand!

© 2023 Anni Byard

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